Hmmm hum hum DAMN DAMN Blog.

Okay, so this is my blog. I don't really know what it's about, but if I was browsing, I would read it. It's one of THOSE blogs. Like, the ones that say, like, okay, so I was at this party last night and they suspended him from a tree in bubble wrap. and people comment and go IN BUBBLE WRAP?!! and then the blogger replies going IN BUBBLE WRAP. (that actually happened to me once.)

Friday, June 30, 2006

A Snapping Hum with Bows for the Doll Palace

I don't like to steal stuff that other people make, but these dolls are gorgeous! So big snaps with bows and cherries on top for the doll palace for suppying the HTML for these beautiful dolls.

Click here

Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live] Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live]Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live]


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hum Seventeen

OMG Blythe is so pretty. If I was like, ten, I would be freaked out, but they're pretty!

click here

Yeah, they were released for one year in 1972 by kenner and they stopped making them after that one year cause all the little kids got scared of them.


(But they're still pretty)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hum Sixteen

Okay guys, I'm sorry I'm so obsessed with Blythes, but I sooo want one!

Love Me

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hum fourteen

Okay so I plan to delete this, I just need to rename this picture and upload it cause it exceeds the "68 character limit".

But while you're there, click here or here or even HERE

Oh never mind the picture, just click the links.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


OMFG you guys just have to get Blythe dolls. I mean, they're kinda scary with red eyes but when they have blue and green eyes they're soooo pretty!


I want a Blythe so bad...not sure why exactly but I think they're pretty funky. Okay: Comment Poll, Your Dream Blythe and what would you call her?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hum Thirteen

Happy Birthday to you...Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear NIXXXXXXXX!

This is a post dedicated to NIX cause it's her birthday. So, as the List Queen, I guess I'll have to write a list of THINGS Nix can do now that she's 16.

So here goes.


  • Eat fish and chips on the roundabout, even when her parents say not to sit on the grass cause she'll catch cold.
  • Leave home, even though it's not really a clever idea.
  • THE LEGAL AGE IS 16!...need I say more?
  • Dance crazy and no one will think she is obnoxious cause you can only be obnoxious when you're 15, after 15 life gets serious.
  • Get her restricted.
  • Get a job at Wendy's. the lady told me I was too young, and not even entitled to the minimum wage (which is rubbish anyway)
  • Have coffee in a cafe and the waitresses won't think she's weird or trying to be old before her time, like when I go into cafes thats what the waitresses look at me like.
  • Spend longer on the phone, because everyone knows that you automatically become more prestigious at 16.
  • Provide Elese with a lifetime of chocolate (not a must, but it is strongly reccomended)

So that's Nix's birthday post.


Hum...New York Hum

OMG New York is so bleak. Look at this
New York Link
Then click satellite on the map and zoom or whatever. It's so grey. Well it is if you compare it to us in little old New Zealand.
New Zealand Link
Aaah...clean, green, New Zealand.
Beware, you can't zoom too much on this one because where google is based in the US, no one knows where the hell it is.

What's in New York, then?
Well there's this restaurant
And this restaurant
And all this

But I think NZ is still cooler, in it's own little way. I mean, you can't sleep on a golf course in New York, can you? Or a skate park? And you can't...well you can't do a lot of things. Comment!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hum Eleven-handbag essentials, just in case Ms Monk is right

Note: This is not in any way, based on any one person, or anyone's comments. Much. (SORRY AMY!)

A lighter note: It is in good taste. Well, sort of.

Once upon a grey day, there lived a little old woman called Yuko-Amelia. Yuko-Amelia was a good drawer and spent her days playing hand games with her beautiful pet fish. One day, Yuko-Amelia ran out of fish food! So she went to the mall. While she was there, she stocked up her already bulging handbag. This is what Ms Yuko-Amelia put in her handbag.

And lastly,

This post is dedicated to Amy!


Monday, June 12, 2006

Hum Ten...WOW Double digits already!

I've decided to celebrate the double digit thing by typing up a girl's survival guide for living at parachute- or, what to keep in your handbag-AT ALL TIMES. So here goes.

Or what to keep in your handbag-at all times. (Well it's what's in mine)

  1. Chapstick- where would we be without our chapstick? Look what happened to Napoleon. And he wasn't even at a major music festival.
  2. Tissues-To catch sneezes, for little things like that--you's be surprised.
  3. Mobile phoooone-Ring ring ring! If you don't have your phone, you are, so to speak, screwed.
  4. Panadol-who knows when you'll need it. And you have to sign at the first aid tent for panadol, it's a bit of a hassle.
  5. Pliers-they do come in handy, for like, fixing your jewellery and stuff. It's parachute, why not?
  6. Breathmints-For extra super minty fresh breath!
  7. Impulse or Lynx-cause it's really, really hot. ANd then there's the mosh pits...
  8. A pen- it comes in handy, esp. when taking down people's numbers, and stuff (trust me, you'll get a lot of them)
  9. A really little notebook, like pocket-size, for writing down the phone numbers and shopping lists...
  10. Keys-DON'T FORGET YOUR KEYS, WHATEVER YOU DO. (esp. your car keys!!!)
  11. Those little handbag sized pocket towelettes-to remove makeup and stuff.
  12. The studex stuff you got when you first pierced your ears. Or liquid savlon. It's good for if your ears feel gunky from sleeping in earrings for fear of losing them, or if you fall over. That gravel stings, man.
  13. Wallet-you don't need ID for anything, I don't think, but you need cash for food and souviners or whatever.
  14. A little mini-bag. Like, a coin purse for putting your earrings and necklaces and other unmentionables in. You don't want to lose those now, do you?

So that's the lucky 14 ( I figure, it's a multiple of 7) of what to have in your handbag. I should add berrocca. It's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.

WOOOOOOOOOO! 10TH ANNIVERSARY! Except it's not annual, it's more postual. So the tenth posiversary. HAPPY POSIVERSARY BABY, GOT YOU ON MY MIIIIIIII-HIND :))))

Hum Nine...Wow only 9, Nix has like, 14.

The wild wind howls like a black cat, stalked into the half light of the alleyway.

Well it would. E9 is scary at night. It's not actually night, it's 7:27 AM, but whatever, Trevor, it feels like night. There's a midnight blue kind of darkness and the trees outside are stripped bare from a post-autumn wind. Consecrated Paul McCartney, I sound like a dead poet.

Director's call: START AGAIN.

Okay, so this weekend me and Tammy and Sheree and Emma went to a dance party. It was fabby. We danced till midnight. Well that's a lie, we danced till eleven and then got McDonalds on the way home. >LOL<.

So yeah, I think yous all should come watch my brother's band perform.
GOSH, I don't know where it is, but I do know that it's this Saturday (17th June) Somewhere in Otara at 2:00 PM. SO BE THERE! (I might not actually be there on the account of having to fundraise for the Sumatran tiger with Tammy.) (Come on guys, they need SOME support) (oh, and all the details are on the music room notice board) (I think they're down as either Eddie's Band or Driftwood). (Or maybe Eddy's Band) (But go anyway) (because, I mean like,----)

Director's call: START AGAIN! (and do it with a little less drama this time)

The black cat hunted it's shadow through the post-midnight gloom of the early dawn. The sun was a dormant volcano, waiting to erupt into the morning sky, and the trees...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hum Eight

Oh wow, I'm on the eighth post already!
...gosh, it seems like only yesterday that I was starting a blog...knowing my sense of time, space and dimension, it probably was. I MISS PARACHUTE! Gosh, parachute was so much fun. I may have to annoy everyone by doing a play by play diary of what actually happened. Ha! I think I will so that if anyone searches PARACHUTE '06 on the blogsearch, my blog will come up. My blog will also come up if you search HUM...I think.
BTW, If you want to check out what's in store for Parachute 2007, click here. Yes, like on the word here.
So here goes:

FRIDAY 27th January 2006

8:30 AM: Wake up, tired due to lack of sleep (due to excitement)
9:00 AM: Wake father up, throw things into car
9:30 AM: Leave home
9:36 AM: Get to Sheree's House
9:38 AM: Sheree's mum opens the door and laughs, I go into Sheree's room and turn on the light.
9:39 AM: Sheree, Alice and Megan open their eyes and yell at me
9:40 AM: They realise that it is their fortune, not bad luck that has broght me here and get out of bed sleepily
9:55 AM: Attempt to stuff all luggage into the back of the bluebird.
10:00 AM: Fail miserably.
10:05 AM: LEAVE!
11:18 AM: ARRIVE!
11:30 AM: Megan and Elese get their wristbands at the gate
11:40 AM: Meet Michael and Jason by gates.
12:00 PM: Throw gear in tent, go for stroll.
12:30 PM: Buy frozen slushie thingy
1:00 PM: Shave Michael's legs.
3:00 PM: Do nothing really, just walk around talking to people.
5:00 PM: Go to see mumsdollar...I think...
6:00 PM: Put chuck taylors on and leave jandals back at camp
7:00 PM: Wander round with Alice, buy dinner.
7:30 PM: Meet up again with Sheree and Megan. Meet Wellingtonians.
8:00 PM: Buy e2 energy.
9:00 PM through to 6:00 AM next morning: party with the Wellingtonians.

Saturday 28th January

6:30 AM: Get coffee, change clothes.
7:00 AM: Laugh at Matthew on his unicycle.
All through that day, we were either seeing Saving Grace or Mumsdollar, buying food or meeting people.
6:30 PM: Go see Run For Your Lives play.
7:00 PM: Sit with Ruakakians.

Sunday 29th January

5:00 AM: Believe that the world will end when see sun-like meteor arise in sky.
5:02 AM: Realise it actually is the sun.
6:00 AM: Leave Ruakakians in a hopeless bid at having a shower.
6:02 AM: Get in line for showers
7:02 AM: Have a shower.
7:10 AM: Shereee gets mad when she realises everyone has drunk her up and go.
7:00 PM: Feel sick due to lack of nutritious food. Buy salad.
7:30 PM: Back to the Ruakakians.
8:30 PM: Leave the Ruakakians, go see Wellingtonians.
9:00 PM: Leave Alice with boy.
9:02 PM: Rescue Alice.
9:30 PM: See short films.
11:00 PM: Sit with Wellingtonians.
11:56 PM: Get bored, go for walk alone.

Monday 30th January

12:00 AM: Sit with Ruakakians.
1:00 AM: Blackout!
3:00 AM: Wake up on ground, extremely confused.
3:05 AM: Megan and Alice rescue me.
4:00 AM: Sleep for first time since last Thursday night.
10:00 AM: Wake up.
11:00 AM: Boys from our tent site smash leftover tinned food.
11:30 AM: Get serious, pack up, get people's digits.
12:00 PM: Feel sad, say last goodbyes.
1:00 PM: Leave Mystery Creek!
2:00 PM: Stop at KFC
4:00 PM: Arrive Home.

So yeah. That was the bestest weekend. But wait, there's more!


1. Buy Up and Go and V. And lots of it.
2. Bring your warmest sleeping bag.
3. Don't expect to get much sleep.
4. Bring lots of cash. Like, $20 a day for food.
5. Buy muesli bars.
6. Don't bring water, you can get it there for free from a supply near your site.
7. You can actually bring your hairdryer, most sites have a power supply within 20m.
8. It gets hot in the day. Real hot.
9. It's not so cold at night, but it is cold.
10. If you are going to sleep, do it in the day. From say, 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM.

OMG I can't wait for next year.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Hum Seven...I think

You know, I actually dislike this picture. I had like, no clothes to wear and I had just come back from parachute was so great...

L to R: Keri, moi, Megan

Friday, June 02, 2006

Hum...Six? Seven? Five?

Ooooh, It's cold.

I feel like snuggling up somehwhere warm cause i'ts just so DAMN COLD! I'm serious, it's so cold I can hardly feel my fingers as I write this. Urgh. But I love the cold...what the hell? Oh well.

So yeah. I went for a run this morning. Last I started my ten dolllar text off, went to sleep around eleven, woke up at one, swore cause it was so cold, went back to sleep, woke up at three, swore when I realised I had to get up in 2 hours, tried to get back to sleep but realised Forrest (my teddy bear) (awww) had fallen out of bed, picked up Forrest, closed my eyes, opened them again, and before I knew it I was running down Hill Road, shivering. It wasn't too bad, I guess. I mean, there could have been a tsunami or whatever at the same time. Not that I don't know there wasn't. Uh-oh. What if there has been? Hold on.

Okay, there hasn't been a tsunami. But someone got angry over a power pylon (...?). So where was I...? Oh yes, so I went for a run. And tonight I'm going out to some random Japanese restaurant. I wish my brother would stop making sound effects for his car. Anyway, it's for wor-WHAT IF THERE'S BEEN A TSUNAMI NOW?

Oh, no, it's alright. President Bush has only gone and threatened the Iranians with the UN. We'll be fine, it's not like they have nuclear weapons or anything. Yeah, good one, Mr Bush. You've always been an awesome president, Mr Bush. But anyway, I might be going to the 48 hours final next Thursday night. I wanna, I love short films. Sylvia Park's opening that night, too. And then next week me and Tammy are going to a black and pink dance party at Saint Aidan's. So that should be-OH NO! WHAT IF PRESIDENT BUSH HAS DECIDED TO NUKE THEM?

Hey, someone from Indonesia has been jailed for people-smuggling. I wonder if he put them in suitcases or what. So anyway, I think we're fundraising for the zoo to get a new sumatran tiger. Me and Tammy again. Outside Botany's baker's delight. Come donate! (PLEASE!)

There's absolutely nothing on the tiger. At all. Except for that they have one called Nisha. Like, what the hell? Oh well. I must leave now. Ta ra.
