Hmmm hum hum DAMN DAMN Blog.

Okay, so this is my blog. I don't really know what it's about, but if I was browsing, I would read it. It's one of THOSE blogs. Like, the ones that say, like, okay, so I was at this party last night and they suspended him from a tree in bubble wrap. and people comment and go IN BUBBLE WRAP?!! and then the blogger replies going IN BUBBLE WRAP. (that actually happened to me once.)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Hum Five

So we went into town.

Henry dropped us in and we rocked on up to two double seven. You know, when you think about it, Newmarket is actually quite crappy on the account of having to pay $617 for a printed tee you'll only ever wear once. (I prefer not to think about it). So yeah. but anyways, we didn't do much. Really, I mean, what IS there to do with $20 and a train fare in newmarket? Okay, so we got gelato. Well it was really sorbet. And we got perfume samples. And Alex got a mini and Keri got a hot chocolate and I got a frappe. And we got free red bull and colgate max fresh and dating tips. Maybe we looked like we needed it or something, I don't know.

It was okay, though. The chinese dude at McDonalds almost had to give me a free burger. And the dude on the train who bought the Audioslave CD got annoyed at Keri and ran off.

We blew bubbles at the train station.

Gosh, train stations are such great places to hang. You can pretend like you're catching a train to some remote place and then ask everyone when their train is. It's so funny. But all good. We totally had to run though cause Sophie called and we were like Oh, bub and all cause she came into town as we were just leaving. But yeah, and we were gonna go into the city this weekend but now we can't cause I'm seeing Sheree, my one and only, who I haven't seen in yonks. And I have a staff do on the Friday.

Oh well. I could always catch the train in.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hum Four

Like, OMG I have to remember a whole speech.

In French.

I mean, I thought it was bad and all when we went to debating last night and we spent more time in two double seven then we did actually doing our prep work for the debate so we lost. But not badly, I mean, I got 75 out of 100 for my speaking, and the highest member of the opposing team didn't get above eighty. So we didn't do too badly. I mean, yeah, out rebuttle wasn't awesome, but their last speaker started saying how people would start vandalising their homes if we stopped using fossil fuels and their first speaker just looked at him like, What the hell? It was the funniest thing, I swear, I couldn't stop laughing. But yeah.

ANYHOW. This french thing. What the hell is up with that? I actually have to memorise it. And it's long. It's like A l'intervalle, mes copains et moi mangeons nos norritures. Blah blah blah -but really bleuh bleuh bleuh cause it's french you see-allume la lumiere parce que mes belle meres et mon frere aiment la lumiere. And then I have to make sure that I achieve over the damn thing. It's going to be hell.

But oh well. At least no one's going to vandallise their own home over it.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hum Three

T S Eliot is so great. Okay, so now I've said that, can I just say that, besides the fact that he was a fabulous poet, I DON"T GET WHAT HE WRITES! The wasteland, for example.

At the violet hour, when the eyes and back
Turn upward from the desk, when the human engine waits
Like a taxi throbbing waiting,
I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives
Old man with wrinkled female breasts, can see
At the violet hour, the evening hour that strives
Homeward, and brings the sailor home from sea

I mean, it's really beautiful writing, byut do you see what I mean? Do you understand that? Because I want to know.
  • When is the violet hour?
  • What is a human engine?
  • And is it a train engine or a taxi or what?
  • Who is Tiresias and why is he blind?
  • Is the old man really a man?
  • Who is the sailor?
  • What has he got to do with anything?

And also,

  • Was T S Eliot OK? Like, in the head?

Cause I sure as hell want to know. I mean, hey, Lewis Carroll was on opium.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hum Two

Saturday night was so cool. Me and Keri were gonna like, go and get out all them chick flicks, like CLUeLeSS and Princess Diaries and then probably the Lion King cause Keri likes the lion king. I think. But anyways, we didn't do that on the account of Keri having her baby cuzins over and her mum was making them dinner so we couldn't go get DVDs or whatever. So we went next door and got these boys, I don't really know who they were, but one of them was like, 17, and the other one was like, 15 or something, I don't really remember (!). So yeah, and then we walked up to the shop where the malaysian people are and they always give you extra chips at like, 5 o clock on Sundays, but we went into the mobil station instead. And yeah, so I burned up my HARD EARNED CASH on V and dark chocolate and yeah.
So that was all good, but not very interesting really. And then we dropped Rose off at Keris and went up to Megans cause Megans got all these hookups so she walked on out and she was getting pissed, but with megan now, it's like, When? and someone will go When She Got Pissed. And you'll just be like, What, Like LAST Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, WHat?... But yeah. SO we walked up to the fish and chip shop and they ALWAYS ask us if we want a job, these dutch people, and they give us extra fish and chips too. And Cain applied for a job, but he got REJECTED. So we went and got Jade from her house and she took ages tying her shoes, I remember, and Megan lay on her lawn. So we walked up to the roundabout, and Megan's mum pulled up with guy, and Guy got out and yelled at poor Meggy she was gonna get a bash (but i thnk he was tryna be funny) so she ran down the street, and these two guys in a subaru station wagon pulled up behind them at the roundabout and started beeping so Guy decided maybe he'd just go home. And the guys went to the dairy and got trumpets, and we found out it was some peeps Keri knew and we leaned in their window and talked to them. And they were being dixtchs so we rocked on up to the pizzeria and I got me a job AND a cheese pizza, all for the LOW LOW price of only $11.99. So yeah. And we blew bubbles. And met some random called Markus With A Beanie. And Keri's exxy sort of dude pulled up in a skyline and said he couldn't afford us or something. Whcih was weird cause none of us had even really met him for a few years, like SERIOUS a few years. And yeah, so we all got aggro and ran back home eating pizza, and it was fantastically fun. We haven't done that for a while. So yeah. Now we're going into town this Saturday, me and Keri and Alex and Sophs and Emma. We think. So funky monkeys.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Hum One

WoOOOO! I got a blog. I'm so happy, I got a blog. Blogs are so great, like for when you get tired of nzgirl and the server blocks bebo or whatever. Yeah, okay so this is my first post. Um, I don't really know what to write, since I don't have anything to blog about really. Okay. I'm sitting in the pod in E7 with my brother who is playing pokemon online or something weird like that. And when dad comes in he makes out like he's doing research on Louie Braille. But he's not. He's battling his Kangaskhan. Oh yeah, did I mention? No, I guess I didn't. Well he's entering rockquest, I'm so jealous, I wish I could have entered rockquest. But our band sucks, on the account of we've never actually played at all. Oh well. I'm gonna go edit the rest of this.